Sunday 2 May 2010

Beginnings of some artwork..? Organs

I'm now going to start some initial experiments.

To begin with I'm going to work with the body, and anatomy-to go with my research of designers, and how it has a connection with a Fairy Tale.

I will focus on: the heart, lungs, ribcage and the skull. These are skin deep, symbolising there is more than what you see just on the surface. I feel this is quite a relevant observation from the fairy tales i've analysed.

Heart: A literal part of the story in Snow White. The queen wants Snow White killed, with her heart cut out and brought back to her.

Obviously, the heart is also a symbol of love which is a massive theme in most fairy tales.

Lungs (and Rib Cage): Same as above for the story of Snow White. Some stories say the heart was to be cut out, others say the lungs.

I feel the ribs should be included as they are the armour for protecting the vital organs.

Skulls: Symbol for poison and death - integral to a fairy tale.

To begin with, I will do some sketches using pencil, biro and ink pen, and then see where this takes me...

The one part of the spread which I like is the heart sketch, I like the softness and the shape of it. It's an interesting shape because of all the different segments and vessels.

I don't like the lungs in this format of illustration, or the ribcage. The lungs are uninspiring and the ribs are harsh and not what i'm quite after.

So, I am going to look into other ways of using the lungs and ribs (and heart).

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