Monday 26 April 2010

The Body Used in Different Art Forms, Reflecting Imagery from a Fairy Tale

I have collected together some images which I feel have contrasts between light and dark in connection with the use of the body.

Images have been used from Alexander Mc Queen, Ros Shiers, Dan Hillier, Rock and Royals, Gemma Compton, Lady Gaga and Florence and the Machine.

Alexander Mc Queen was heavily inspired by fairy tales, which is seen in his work - especially in his amazing dresses, but also subtly - in his trademark logo of a skull.

I find skulls are a big symbol for poison and death, and therefore a big element of a fairy tale. I love the ways Mc Queen uses them. They appear in his jewellery, accessories, and prints for his clothing.

The fabrics are very inspiring.

The fabric above I love, its from one of his scarves, and you can see in the print the juxtaposition of both skulls and flowers. This is a perfect contrast which I am looking for - the combination of imagery with the deathly skull and the beautiful flower which is in full bloom and full of life. Applying this idea and piece to a fairytale works really well - fairy tales always have an issue in them with near death experiences, however they always turn out happily ever after in the end, so there is the mixture of death and life in a fairy tale.

I love this scarf and I will take this with me as an influence for when I begin to make something.

The prints below are really interesting as they are so contrasting to the print of the fabric above. This time they are really abstract. However, from looking at the patterns below, I can clearly see an element of the body involved. I think they look like they were taken originally from a skull, or a scan of a brain, and then reflected and then reflected again. I think this is an interesting way of developing something further, therefore highly inspirational again.

Its a way of disguise - so clever. Turning something so evil into something so beautiful and unrecognisable.

This illustration below is by Gemma Compton and I like how she has merged elements which don't belong, onto the top of the human face. This is unusual looking and with the inspiration of Ros Shiers below Gemma's, I feel this concept would work well with art work in the future.

The illustration below by Ros Shiers stood out to me because of how a bone structure able to be seen subtly through the figure itself. I like that detail was used for highlighted in the ribs, as these bones are protective of the lungs and heart (featured in Snow White). I feel this idea of layering the body with whats underneath is a good idea that I can translate into my project.

Theres a lot of influence from fairy tales in Florence and the Machines music, and all elements surrounding. The most noticeable thing is the lungs. This is interesting due to the emphasis in Snow White. I like the ways she has incorporated the lungs in the artwork, she has managed to make it a beautiful symbol.

The clothing here which Lady Gaga is wearing is definitely an interesting idea. I love the idea of the external skeleton. This goes quite well in line with Florence and the Machines costume of the external lungs. I will have to take this idea and be influenced to make something.

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